Blog-Retro/Future Sunglasses

When I was a kid I had a pair of sunglasses with a single narrow horizontal lens that wrapped around my face.  The sunglasses offered an uninterrupted 1800 view and because the lens was so narrow they cropped the view on top and bottom.  At the time they had a futuristic quality to them but looking at images of them now they have a decidedly retro look. I began to think about how my perception of the world would be affected by wearing sunglasses like that all of the time. That thought process, my work, travel, research and other spontaneous revelations are the basis of this journal.   

Team Zoo

Team Zoo rediscovered elements of vernacular Japanese architecture and gave traditional craftspeople a way to participate in contemporary design...

Stanley RussellComment
Modern Legacy

Masterpieces from early modern legends in small towns across the midwest like water marks in stone showing where rivers once flowed...

Stanley RussellComment
Water Tanks

Wooden Water tanks made with technology from another era dot the Manhattan skyline in a surreal landscape where past and present are Juxtaposed...

Stanley RussellComment
Osanbashi pier

At Osanbashi pier, city and harbor, building and landscape, earth, ocean and sky are intertwined and a previously exclusive area is now inclusive…

Stanley Russell Comment

Pier Luigi Nervi made structure and aesthetic one and the same, warping our sense of past present and future...

Stanley RussellComment
Rolex Center

The Rolex Center on the EPFL campus is a paradigm shift in the way buildings and public space  are conceived.  Breaking from the past in an eclectic present while anticipating the future...

Stanley RussellComment